Connection Between Your Emotional State And Your Oral Health
Everyone has days when they feel a little blue. You may be surprised to learn that your emotional state can significantly impact your oral health. Your mood can affect how you clean your teeth and the foods you choose, leading to actions that can damage your teeth and gums. Here are some examples:
Neglecting Oral Care
When you are not feeling your best, putting in the time and effort needed for dental care can be difficult. You may brush your teeth quickly or not brush them at all, and you are more likely not to floss. Not caring for your teeth can lead to serious problems with plaque, the development of decay, and gum disease.
Teeth Grinding
If you regularly experience anxiety or deal with stress, you may be grinding your teeth. Most people who grind their teeth are unaware, as it typically occurs during sleep. Teeth grinding can lead to worn teeth and, eventually, cause the teeth to crack and break.
Nutrition and Oral Health
When you are not feeling your emotional best, you may not make the best food and beverage choices. You may gravitate towards foods and beverages high in sugar, increasing your chances of decay.
How Oral Health Can Affect Your Emotional State
The opposite can also be true. If you struggle with your oral health and regularly experience issues with decay or have missing teeth, it can affect your self-esteem. It is common for people with oral health complications to hide their mouths when they speak, avoid smiling, and even become withdrawn and stop socializing like they used to.
No matter what you are experiencing with your oral health, we will not judge you and want to help you get the dental care you need. We offer a number of preventative, restorative, and cosmetic dentistry treatments that can bring about any needed change to your teeth and oral health. We would love to create a dental solution to help you live your best life.
If you are interested in learning more about the treatments we offer and how they can benefit your oral health, be sure to contact our office, which is located in Wilmington, DE, to schedule an appointment. We are also happy to assist and treat patients who live in Pike Creek and Newark, DE.