Can Eliminating Alcoholic Beverages Improve Your Oral Health?

If you are over 21, there are many occasions when enjoying an alcoholic beverage or two is part of the plan. Summer is a popular time to indulge in alcoholic drinks, especially if you are on vacation or spending time with friends and family at a party or outdoor cookout. For years, you have heard about the effect that overindulging in alcoholic beverages can have on your overall health, but did you know that it can also negatively affect your oral health? Many oral health conditions can develop and become recurring if you overindulge in alcoholic beverages.

The Importance Of Caring For Your Teeth When You Are Sick

We don’t know about you, but we could not be more excited for the arrival of the holiday season and the new year. What we are not excited about is the season when family and friends get the sniffles and other illnesses. If you or a loved one should happen to fall ill, there are certain precautions you need to take with your teeth and gums to ensure that your oral health doesn’t suffer.

Is Sugar The Enemy Of Your Oral Health?

Halloween is a time when candy and other sweet treats are available in abundance. One ingredient that many of the foods we consume during this holiday have in common is sugar. Enjoying these types of foods is fine in moderation; however, it can be easy to overindulge, especially if you have a sweet tooth. Foods with a high sugar content can lead to serious complications with your oral health, such as:

Stop Cavities Before They Start!

Do you hold your breath every time you or a loved one visits our office for a hygiene examination and cleaning because you are expecting to hear bad news about the state of your oral health? Cavities and decay can form when food and bacteria remain trapped on the surface of the teeth and between the teeth. Unfortunately, some patients have large grooves in their rear molars, making it difficult to remove trapped food. We have a treatment solution to help you and your family members protect your teeth from cavities. Read on to learn about this popular treatment.

How to Prepare Your Child For Their First Visit to the Dentist

There are many important milestones in a baby’s and young child’s life, such as sitting up, crawling, the first steps, and the first words. Another milestone that we want to recognize is a child’s first visit to the dentist. Do you know when a child should visit the dentist for the first time? Whether you have a young child in your life at the moment or not, this is important information to have. A child should visit the dentist for the first time by their first birthday. This gives us the opportunity to examine the first teeth and ensure they are erupting from the gums properly.

When We Say We Treat Everyone, We Mean EVERYONE

When was the last time you visited our office for a routine hygiene examination or cleaning? It’s still the beginning of 2023 and a perfect time to evaluate the state of your oral health. If it has been some time since your last hygiene examination or cleaning, now is the time to schedule an appointment. Since we are able to see patients of all ages, we can help you save time and see every member of your family. We encourage you to schedule any needed appointments as soon as possible. Delaying routine appointments and treatments can lead to serious oral health complications in your future.