Dentistry is all about smiles, and having a confident, healthy, beautiful smile is important for everyone, even patients with dentures. Our practice provides personalized denture services to meet the specific needs of our patients. All of our patients are unique, and we create one-of-a-kind dentures that feel good and look natural.

What are dentures?
Dentures are natural-looking, removable replacement teeth. They can be either full or partial.
How do I know if dentures are right for me?
Dentures are not for everyone. If you’re interested in learning more about dentures and want to know if they are the right option for you, please schedule an appointment. Our team will be happy to answer any questions you have and can determine the best course of treatment for your continued dental health.
Caring for your dentures
Just like natural teeth, dentures require daily maintenance to stay clean and keep bacteria from growing inside your mouth. Keep your dentures clean and your smile healthy:
If by chance your dentures do break, please contact our practice and schedule an appointment as soon as possible. Broken dentures that don’t fit properly can cause irritation to your gums and mouth. Also, remember to continue scheduling regular dental checkups every six months to make sure that your smile stays healthy for many years to come.