Oral Health Warnings That Are Important Not To Ignore

At Emerald Dental, we are passionate about the state of your oral health. One of the best ways to be sure you have excellent oral health is to maintain your routine oral hygiene examinations in our office. Another way to be sure you have optimal oral health is to care for your teeth and gums properly throughout the year. In addition to brushing and flossing, it is important to be mindful of any changes in your oral health. Thankfully, your mouth often warns you when you are experiencing a problem with your teeth or gums. If you notice something that doesn’t seem right, we recommend contacting our office as soon as possible. Would you know what warning signs to look for that can tell you there is a problem with your oral health? We are here to help!

Are You Delaying Dental Treatment?

We don’t know how you feel, but we are loving the summer days! It always seems like life is a little more peaceful during these few weeks of summer. School is over, work schedules are lighter, and many people take time for themselves or go on vacation. This is the perfect time to schedule a dental treatment that we recommended for you or a loved one during your last visit to our office. Even if we didn’t recommend a treatment, it is a great time to determine if you are due for your routine hygiene examination. Delaying routine appointments and treatments can lead to serious oral health complications in the future. Continue reading to learn more.

Do You Or A Loved One Suffer From Bruxism?

Do you frequently wake up and your jaw feels tender and sore? Or do you often have headaches when you wake up in the morning? If so, you may be experiencing complications from a common condition known as bruxism. Bruxism is a condition in which you clench and grind your teeth. The majority of patients who suffer from bruxism are unaware of it, as it is typically done during sleep. It is not uncommon for patients to be made aware of their problem at their routine hygiene examination appointment. Your teeth and mouth will show obvious signs that you clench and grind your teeth.

Yes, You Should Replace That Missing Tooth

Have you recently experienced tooth loss and are struggling to decide if you should replace the missing tooth? No matter if the tooth is lost due to decay, injury, trauma, or a medical condition, it can be tough to decide if it should be replaced. We are here to tell you that you should always replace a missing tooth. The only exceptions are wisdom teeth and teeth that are removed for orthodontic purposes. Read on to learn about the importance of replacing your missing tooth.

Benefits Of Invisalign®

Would you love to straighten your teeth but are not interested in wearing traditional metal braces at your age? We hate to hear that patients are unhappy with the appearance of their teeth. We know that your unhappiness can lead to hiding your mouth, not smiling, and self-conscious feelings. At Emerald Dental, we have the perfect solution — Invisalign®. Receiving orthodontic treatment at any age can be beneficial in improving the aesthetics of your teeth as well as your overall oral health. Invisalign® is a popular orthodontic treatment that many of our patients love.

The Truth About Crowns

Did we recommend a dental crown during your last visit, and you have yet to schedule your appointment? We encourage you to call us today to schedule the treatment. Aside from a filling for a cavity, a dental crown is one of the most popular treatments we provide to patients daily. Even if we have not recommended a treatment at this time, there is a very good chance that you or a loved one may need a dental crown in the near future. We want to take a few minutes and explain more about this treatment to help ease your mind if you are nervous or concerned about the procedure. Read on to learn more about dental crowns.

Stop Cavities Before They Start!

Do you hold your breath every time you or a loved one visits our office for a hygiene examination and cleaning because you are expecting to hear bad news about the state of your oral health? Cavities and decay can form when food and bacteria remain trapped on the surface of the teeth and between the teeth. Unfortunately, some patients have large grooves in their rear molars, making it difficult to remove trapped food. We have a treatment solution to help you and your family members protect your teeth from cavities. Read on to learn about this popular treatment.

Restore Your Smile With Dental Implants

If you or a loved one is in need of a tooth replacement, it can be overwhelming to choose an option that will fit your budget and your lifestyle as well. At Emerald Dental, we want to help our patients choose the option that is best for their needs. While we offer a number of tooth replacement options, one in particular is popular among many patients. Dental implants not only mimic the appearance of your natural teeth, but they are also durable and offer a number of other benefits to patients.

What Cosmetic Dentistry Can Do For You

We don’t know about you, but even though we have had a rather mild winter, we are still looking forward to the arrival of spring later this month. Do you have upcoming events this spring or summer that you would love to show up to with a new and improved smile? Perhaps you have a family wedding, a graduation party, or a work function. Now is an excellent time to learn more about the cosmetic dentistry treatments we offer our patients so that you can have the smile of your dreams in time for your event. Interested in learning more about cosmetic dentistry? Continue reading.