Do You Or A Loved One Suffer From Bruxism?

Do you frequently wake up and your jaw feels tender and sore? Or do you often have headaches when you wake up in the morning? If so, you may be experiencing complications from a common condition known as bruxism. Bruxism is a condition in which you clench and grind your teeth. The majority of patients who suffer from bruxism are unaware of it, as it is typically done during sleep. It is not uncommon for patients to be made aware of their problem at their routine hygiene examination appointment. Your teeth and mouth will show obvious signs that you clench and grind your teeth.

Yes, You Should Replace That Missing Tooth

Have you recently experienced tooth loss and are struggling to decide if you should replace the missing tooth? No matter if the tooth is lost due to decay, injury, trauma, or a medical condition, it can be tough to decide if it should be replaced. We are here to tell you that you should always replace a missing tooth. The only exceptions are wisdom teeth and teeth that are removed for orthodontic purposes. Read on to learn about the importance of replacing your missing tooth.