Why It’s Important To Care For Baby Teeth Properly
One of the most exciting milestones parents look forward to is their baby’s first teeth. From the moment the first tooth comes in, it is important to start caring for it. Even though baby teeth eventually fall out, it is extremely important to clean and care for these teeth as best as possible. One of the most common diseases children experience is tooth decay.
Tips to Help Care for Child’s Teeth
Children have no desire or urgency to clean their teeth or care for their teeth properly. It is up to adults to ensure that they’re cleaning their teeth properly and visiting our office for an oral hygiene examination every six months or as recommended. When an infant gets their first baby teeth, you can immediately start to clean them by gently rubbing the teeth and the gums with a damp washcloth.
As more teeth come in and your baby grows into a toddler, you can start brushing their teeth using a child’s toothbrush and a small amount of approved toothpaste. Once the child is old enough to brush their own teeth, we recommend monitoring them to ensure they are brushing their teeth properly, especially the rear molars, which have deep grooves. It is extremely easy for baby teeth to develop cavities and need fillings or crowns.
Below are some helpful tips to help ensure your child has excellent oral health and prevent decay in their baby teeth:
- Be sure the rear molars are being brushed properly
- Limit juice and other sugary snacks
- Avoid chewy candy and snacks like fruit gummies
- Do not put infants and toddlers to bed with a bottle or sippy cup
- Invest in dental sealants
If you or your child needs an oral hygiene examination appointment or recommended treatment, we encourage you to contact our office, which is located in Wilmington, DE, to schedule your next visit. We are happy to help patients located in Wilmington, Pike Creek, Newark, DE and the surrounding areas. We are also happy to answer any questions you may have about your child’s oral health. We hope to see you soon!