Why Are My Gums Bleeding?

Do you notice that there are signs of blood when you rinse your mouth after brushing? If so, you are experiencing bleeding gums. This can occur with something as simple as a piece of food or even a popcorn kernel getting stuck between your teeth. However, if you notice you are experiencing bleeding gums often, it can be an indication of a problem with your oral health. Bleeding gums can be caused by the following:

Oral Health Warnings That Are Important Not To Ignore

At Emerald Dental, we are passionate about the state of your oral health. One of the best ways to be sure you have excellent oral health is to maintain your routine oral hygiene examinations in our office. Another way to be sure you have optimal oral health is to care for your teeth and gums properly throughout the year. In addition to brushing and flossing, it is important to be mindful of any changes in your oral health. Thankfully, your mouth often warns you when you are experiencing a problem with your teeth or gums. If you notice something that doesn’t seem right, we recommend contacting our office as soon as possible. Would you know what warning signs to look for that can tell you there is a problem with your oral health? We are here to help!