How to Prepare Your Child For Their First Visit to the Dentist

There are many important milestones in a baby’s and young child’s life, such as sitting up, crawling, the first steps, and the first words. Another milestone that we want to recognize is a child’s first visit to the dentist. Do you know when a child should visit the dentist for the first time? Whether you have a young child in your life at the moment or not, this is important information to have. A child should visit the dentist for the first time by their first birthday. This gives us the opportunity to examine the first teeth and ensure they are erupting from the gums properly.

When We Say We Treat Everyone, We Mean EVERYONE

When was the last time you visited our office for a routine hygiene examination or cleaning? It’s still the beginning of 2023 and a perfect time to evaluate the state of your oral health. If it has been some time since your last hygiene examination or cleaning, now is the time to schedule an appointment. Since we are able to see patients of all ages, we can help you save time and see every member of your family. We encourage you to schedule any needed appointments as soon as possible. Delaying routine appointments and treatments can lead to serious oral health complications in your future.